Saturday, March 25, 2017

Just wanted to make by links available.

Abbey's Tale debuted Nov. 2016 and is a sweet historical romance with a blind heroine and an emotionally and physically scarred Civil War veteran who was an Irish immigrant. After becoming a reclusive lighthouse keeper alone on an island with only his black Labrador retriever, Jeremy never expects to find love. But his intricate driftwood carvings make their way into the hands of Abbey who "sees" the world through his figurines. He saves Abbey from the sea, and she saves him from himself in this sweet love story.

Hiding is a suspense thriller that the won the RWA Kiss of Death Chapter Daphne du Maurier Award. Set in romantic Paris, Teresa tries to escape an abusive boyfriend Alex Sinclair and establish a career as an artist.Slowly growing to trust a young Frenchman, Serge Gervais, she is establishing a new life until Alex arrives and drags her into the catacombs. Can Serge find her in time to prevent Alex's revenge?

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